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Snow in the City Blog

For Families

Snow in the City

Snow days are quite normal in the USA, but what do they mean, what do I do with my children on such a day and how do I catch up the missed classes? We will answer these questions and give you a few tips on what activities you can do with your children if the weather forecast predicts a snow day.

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Skifahren rund um New York

East Coast Skiing – easy to reach from NYC.

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YouTV | How to Watch German Films and TV Classics at Christmas Time

What would Christmas be without fairy tales – they belong to the Christmas season, like the Advent calendar, Christmas cookies or the festively decorated Christmas tree. Whether they are new films or old productions from DDR times – the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm in particular are still very popular. If you also want to watch German films and TV classics while living abroad – especially at Christmas time – we might have a simple solution for you: YouTV.

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Deutsche und Zweisprachige Weihnachtsgottesdienste in NYC und Umgebung

Wenn für euch der Weihnachtsgottesdienst genauso zum Fest gehört, wie das „Christkind“ oder der „Weihnachtsmann“ selbst, haben wir hier eine kleine Zusammenstellung an Kirchengemeinden vorbereitet, die (teilweise in Zusammenarbeit mit Sprachschulen) einen deutschen oder zweisprachigen Weihnachtsgottesdienst anbieten:

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Die Schönsten Weihnachtsmärkte in New York und Umgebung

Weihnachtszauber in New York! Was gibt es Schöneres, als in der Vorweihnachtszeit über die Weihnachtsmärkte zu schlendern, Glühwein zu trinken und dabei noch das ein oder andere Geschenk zu entdecken… Auch hier gibt es inzwischen mehrere große und kleine Weihnachtsmärkte – wir haben euch eine Übersicht zusammengestellt:

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Christmas Tree Lightin – The Magical Start Into Christmas Season!

The days are getting shorter, nature is preparing for hibernation and the city is slowly but surely spreading a bit of magic. Every street and shop window begins to sparkle and glitter – Christmas is just around the corner. Shortly after Thanksgiving New York hosts many Christmas tree lighting celebrations. Here are some “Must See Events” you might want to keep in mind.

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Where to Start Your Search for the Right School…

When my daughter was born I was sure we would move back to Germany by the time she turns six, as I could not imagine raising her in the New York school system. All I had heard were horror stories of extreme competition to get into the right preschool which seemed to be the only guarantee of getting to Harvard or Yale…. We only heard about the unsatisfactory conditions of public schools and the horrendous cost of private institutions, not to mention universities.

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Thanksgiving in NYC – Macy’s Parade and More

Thanksgiving is around the corner. This is a day not yet celebrated in Germany, but it’s a major holiday in the United States. Originally a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest, it has become a popular holiday bringing families and friends together. One of the most exciting things to do on Thanksgiving in New York is the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, a must-do not only for youngsters!

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Tips to Ride Safely in a Taxi With Your Child

Do you ride safely in a Taxi or ride share service in NYC with your kids?

In big cities like New York, owning a car is rare and taking the taxi for short or long distances is the only way to go. This was a big difference, when moving from Germany to the U.S, and we were not aware of the challenges that would come with it.

Most germans that are  living in NYC will know the problem. You are transporting your child in a taxi, car service or ride share but you don’t want to haul your car seat along with you. And while in Germany most taxi services provide a car seat for your child, this is not the case in NYC.

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St. Martinsumzug – Laternenläufe 2019 in NYC und Umgebung

CityKinder Lantern Walk 2013 for German Kids in Prospekt Park, Brooklyn, New York

Seit ein paar Jahren hat sich diese wunderschöne Herbsttradition auch bei der Deutschen Community in New York fest verankert und bringt in letzter Zeit auch mehr und mehr Amerikaner in den kalten Park, was wir sehr schön finden.

Für alle, denen die Geschichte von St. Martin nicht mehr ganz geläufig ist, ist hier eine kleines Video von der Sendung mit der Maus, das sie – auch für Kinder gut verständlich – erzählt. Außerdem gibt es ein tolles Buch “Mein Buch von Sankt Martin”, dass nicht nur zur Martinszeit gerne gelesen wird.

Natürlich finden auch in diesem Jahr wieder einige St. Martins Laternenumzügen in NYC und Umgebung statt:


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