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Trinity Lutheran Church For Kids Religious Institutions

View the CityKinder service listings for German expats and families to find German speaking religious institutions in and around New York City.

Trinity Lutheran Church

168 W. 100th St.

New York, NY, 10025

Telephone: 917-374-4212

Website: http

Email: hneumark@gmail.com

Contact: Heidi Neumark

Languages: us flag for english speaking services in New York listed by CityKinder

Deutsche Evangelische-Lutherische St. Pauls Kirche NY

315 West 22nd Street, NY, NY 10011

Telephone: (212) 929-1955

Website: www.stpaulny.org

Email: Pastor@stpaulny.org

Contact: Pastorin Miriam Gross

Languages: us flag for english speaking services in New York listed by CityKinder

Deutschsprachige Katholische Gemeinde White Plains

950 Mamaroneck Ave

White Plains, NY 10605

Telephone: (914) 683-7346

Website: www.dkgny.org


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