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Choosing the Right Instrument for Your Child & Why It Should Be Up to Them Blog


Choosing the Right Instrument for Your Child & Why It Should Be Up to Them

As your child begins to venture down the path of music, they may be unsure of what instrument fits them best. Piano and guitar are great starting points for beginner musicians who wish to get their feet wet, but as you can imagine, leaving the final decision up to your child is the best route if you wish to see them succeed as a musician. As a parent, you would do well to help your child choose their first instrument by following these steps.

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Music Education Within Bilingual Education

While music may be thought of as a childhood hobby, studies emphasize the importance of music education in children’s lives to help develop memory, perception, language, vocabulary, spoken skills, and reading skills. Research shows that these benefits may last well beyond childhood. Music has an impact on both hemispheres of the brain and thus makes learning easier. To get these benefits, both listening and playing or singing are important. However, all the positive effects on cognitive development of young children are usually related to singing or playing instruments.

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Carnegie Hall Family Concert: Ein wunderbares Erlebnis für die ganze Familie

Auf den heutigen Nachmittag haben wir uns schon lange gefreut. Mit unseren beiden Kindern ging es heute in die berühmte Carnegie Hall. Mehrmals im Jahr finden dort Familienkonzerte statt, die Familien mit Kindern jeglichen Alters die Möglichkeit geben tolle Konzerte zu besuchen.

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Central Park Summerstage: Live bei der “Good Morning America-Show”

Im Sommer finden im Central Park so viele tolle und kostenlose Konzerte statt, dass es schwierig ist den Überblick zu behalten. Die einzigen Konzerte, die allerdings morgens von 7-9 Uhr stattfinden, sind wohl die Konzerte der “Good Morning America-Show”. Von Ende Mai bis bis Ende August hat man hier die Möglichkeit morgens ins Fernsehen zu kommen oder einfach eine nette Zeit zu verbringen. Die Summerstage Arena befindet sich im Central Park direkt neben “The Mall”. Map it

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