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Gastbeitrag – Fünf Tipps für Erfolgreiches Homeschooling

Durch COVID-19 wurden viele Eltern auf einmal zum Lehrer und manche sind gerade in den USA mit Home Schooling dabei geblieben.  Wir haben Babette Piaget, erfahrene Homeschool Mom, nach ihren Top – 5 Tipps zum entspannten Homeschooling gefragt. Babette unterrichtet ihren Sohn Jacob nun schon länger zu Hause und teilt hier ihre Erfahrungen mit uns. Vielen Dank Liebe Babette!

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Snow in the City

Snow days are quite normal in the USA, but what do they mean, what do I do with my children on such a day and how do I catch up the missed classes? We will answer these questions and give you a few tips on what activities you can do with your children if the weather forecast predicts a snow day.

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Grandma Wanted – Living With a Granny Nanny

One of the biggest challenges for expat families living abroad is for sure the fact that friends and family are not living close by anymore – Skype or Facetime sessions have become integral parts of the weekly schedule. But when it comes to finding a babysitter, grandma and grandpa are sorely missed. Especially when both parents are working, and you need regular care.

With 12+ weeks of summer break, several snow days during wintertime, holidays and children getting sick every now and then, it appears even more impossible to follow a regular schedule for working mom and dads.

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Thinking About Hosting an Au Pair? Here are Some Basic Facts


Thinking about hosting an au pair?

Here are a few basic facts for international parents in the U.S.

In-home childcare is much more readily available in the US than in most parts of Europe. Especially for international parents hosting an au pair seems like the ideal childcare solution as au pairs can help assist in teaching an international parent’s language or bring a new language into the mix. Many families also love the cultural component of the program. For practical reasons hosting at au pair provides a lot of flexibility in terms of scheduling.

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Finding a Babysitting Job in NYC

New York City is one of the largest and most densely populated cities in the world, which makes it prime real estate for both those looking to find work and those in need of care. Everywhere you go, there’s a business — or family — in need of employees, and when you tack on internet advertising, opportunity abounds.

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How much should you pay a babysitter in NYC?

How much should you pay a Babysitter? 

According to a survey by UrbanSitter in 2018, the average hourly babysitting rate has climbed to $16.43 for one child, based on a survey of more than 20,000 families across the country. In New York City you can still get away with $15 per hour if you find a high school kid or inexperienced student. For an experienced babysitter the rates are usually between $18 and $20 for one child. For special skills like someone with an education in early childhood care, CPR or even a desired language, you can expect to pay around $25 per hour.

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Grandma Wanted – Living with a Granny Aupair

Granny Aupair with young family | City Kinder

One of the biggest challenges for expat families is the lack of other family members living close by. Although regular Skype or Facetime sessions with grandma and grandpa have become integral parts of the expat’s weekly schedule, we can not just “park” the kids in front of the Ipad or computer screen and have grammy babysit from overseas.

With 12+ weeks of summer, several snow days during wintertime, and children getting sick every so often, there is no way for working Mom and Dads, to be there for their children all the time. Granny appear is one possible solution!

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Baby Beach Essentials

Baby sitting at beach wearing the beach essentials.

Congratulations on becoming a parent! What a beautiful time in our lives. With new parenthood come challenges. One of them might be the first trip to the beach with your baby. The times when you would put on a bathing suit, pack a towel and some sunscreen and head are over… You will have to plan ahead and make sure you have everything you need for your baby when you head to the beach.

Here is a check list for you!

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How to watch German TV in the US?

One thing many Expats or Transplants miss in the US is German TV. No matter if it’s  your favorite series, Tatort or one of the many documentaries it’s just different than American programming. Plus it’s a great way to expose our kids to more German!

Thanks to the internet there are plenty of ways to get your favorite programs straight to your house or download whole series on your iPad. If you know of additional channels and programs, please let us know or just comment below. 

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How much do I pay my babysitter?

One of the main topics on every parent’s mind is how to get a good babysitter and what do I need to pay them. Especially if you live far away from your larger family the right babysitter becomes a crucial part of parenting.  Here are guidelines when it comes to hiring and paying someone to take care of your most precious possessions.

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